ross's blog

Exercise 1 - Creating a new user and group

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 18:13 -- ross

Hi All,

A couple of people asked for some exercises to get comfortable with using the command line, so here's exercise number 1. It should be fairly easy.

Goal 1: Create two different users one named "guest" and one named 'nohome' (You should also end up with a groups 'guest' and 'nohome'. The 'guest' user should have a home directory just like your regular user, but the 'nohome' user should not have a home directory.

Installing Gnome

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 21:48 -- ross

Installing the Gnome windows manager, our default GUI (Graphical User Interface), is really easy. Become your root user by entering the following command:


You should be asked for a password. After entering the password, your command line should end with the '#' sign instead of the '$', i.e.:


Now issue the following command:

apt-get install gnome

Now reboot and you should have a GUI.

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